Artistic organization Artless invites you to submit your
applications to the third international Festival of the First. Festival
of the First (FF) is a review of achievements of creators with various
artistic curiosities. Application can be sent by all artists regardless
of their age (the only condition is that they are debutants in the category
they apply for) - painter with the first published book, film director
with a choreography,......
Dominations are the theme of this year festival.
Domination lat. (dominari - to dominate, to rule) a. Control
or power over another or others. b. The exercise of such control
or power.
dominations Christianity The fourth of the nine orders
of angels in medieval angelology.
This year theme poses questions on a public scene in a closed
milieu where different forms of domination prevent faster development
of democracy and public discourse.
You can participate in Festival of the First upon invitation
or by submitting the application.
Festival of the First awards a monetary prize in the amount
of 1000 Euro.
here for festival of the first programme.